Well, the same old same old has been going on, so in the light of no new grumbles, I thought something useful to fellow teachers might be in order.
I think thats a first ! :)
So here are a list of links for various resources and web sites of organisations etc that you might find useful.
AAIEP www.outfitters.com/com/aaiep/ The American Association of Intensive English Programs
ARELS www.edunet.com/arels/ Association of Recognized English Language Schools
BAAL www.swan.ac.uk/cals/baal.htm British Association of Applied Linguistics
BASELT www.wwt.co.uk/baselt/listbs.html The British Association of State English Language Teaching
BATQI www.u-net.com/eflweb/batqi.html British Association of Teacher Qualifying Institutions
British Council www.britcoun.org
CALICO www.calico.org/ US Consortium for CALL
CILT www.campus.bt.com/CampusWorld/pub/CILT/
Centre for Information on Language Teaching (UK)
ELICOS www.elicos.qut.edu.au/association Australia
IALL www.eleazar.dartmouth.edu/IALL/ International Association for Language Learning Technology
IATEFL www.man.ac.uk/IATEFL/ International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign
JALT langue.hyper.chubu.ac.jp/jalt Japan Association of Language Teachers
MATSDA cis.nmclites.edu/~banfi/MATSDA.Html
Materials Developers Association NATE www.campus.bt.com/CampusWorld/pub/Nate/index.html
National Association of Language Teachers (UK)
NCELTR www.nceltr.mq.edu.au/home.html National Council for English Language Teaching (Australia)
NCTE www.ncte.org/ National Council of Teachers of English (US)
TESOL www.tesol.com/ Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
TOEFL web.toefl.org/ Test of English as a Foreign Language
TOEIC www.toeic-usa.com/ Test of English for International Communication
UCLES www.edunet.com//ucles/index.html University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
USIA www.usia.gov/ US Information Agency
World of Language www.worldoflanguage.com/
Aardvark's EFL Resources www.ilcgroup.com/aardvark/
Commercially available TESL material www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/Links/Commercial.html
Dave's ESL Cafe on the Web www.eslcafe.com
Digital Education Network Home Page www.go-ed.com/
EFL: An Independent Site www.globalnet.co.uk/~efl/
ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching & Education www.ericsp.org/index.html
ESL Home Page: University of Illionois UC www.lang.uiuc.edu/r-li/esl/
ESL Loop www.webring.org/cgibin/webring?index&ring=esloop
ESL Virtual Catalog www.pvp.com/esl.htm
Pilgrims Online www.pilgrims.co.uk/
Resources for teachers of EST www.cibnor.conacyt.mx/est/est.html
TEFL Links www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/ESL.html
The Training Resources Store [link deleted--possibly hijacked -Reg]
Volterre- Fr www.wfi.fr/volterre/
Yahoo! - Education:Languages:ESL www.yahoo.com/Education/Languages/
Work Abroad ESL http://www.workabroadesl.com/site/default.asp
EducationGuardian.co.uk TEFL http://education.guardian.co.uk/tefl/0,5477,480994,00.html
PowerPoint Resources: http://classroom.jc-schools.net/la/activities/pptresources.html
More PowerPoint Resources: http://jc-schools.net/write/ppt.html
Clothing: http://www.oup.com/elt/teachersclub/articles/clothing?cc=th
Food: http://www.oup.com/elt/teachersclub/articles/food?cc=th
Lesson Plans and other Teacher Resources
CD-ROM Lesson Plans www.mls.co.jp
Clip Art Collection for FL instruction www.sla.purdue.edu/fll/JapanProj/FLClipart/default.html
ESL Plans www.csun.edu/~hcedu/eslplans.html#LessonPlans
ESL Plans from California www.csun.edu/%Ehcedu/eslplans.html
ESL Teacher Connection, Michigan www.sils.umich.edu/~jarmour/etc/etchome.html
Gessler Teacher Tips www.gessler.com/gessler/teach.html
Lesson Plans from a New York teacher members.aol.com/Jakajk/ESLLessons.html
Links to ESL/EFL Lessons on the Net (ITESLJ) www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/Links/LessonLinks.html
OTAN Forum www.otan.dni.us/cgibin/webdir.pl?dir=%FLesson%Plans%FESL
Searching the Web: Handout www.otan.dni.us/webfarm/emailproject/search.htm
TESL/TEFL Game: Wham! www.rede.com/eslgames/wham.htm
Word Search Maker! http://teachers.teach-nology.com/web_tools/word_search/
Linguarama Index of other exercises in Postscript http://www.linguarama.com/ps/other.htm
Worksheets, Teaching Tips, and Rubrics from Teach-nology.com www.teach-nology.com
Children Only ESL-EFL games, clip art flash cards, stories, songs for download http://www.childrenonlyesl-efl.com/
Merriam-Webster OnLine Dictionary http://www.m-w.com/home.htm
Games for learning and teaching English. ELT, ESLTeaching writing in English for ELT-ESL http://www.onestopenglish.com/Games/Index.htm
Free Coloring Pages http://www.coloring.ws/coloring.html
ESL go link to sites for English as a Second Language + EFL teachers http://www.eslgo.com/tlinks.html
englishbanana.com - 400+ Free Printable Worksheets - www.englishbanana.com
Resources http://perso.wanadoo.es/tobyrob/
www.efl4u.com - EFL _ ESL FUN English Teaching Lesson Worksheets
Handouts Online_ Supplementary English Resources and Materials for EFL _ ESL _ TEFL Teachers http://www.handoutsonline.com/
Kid Crosswords and Other Puzzles--November - December 2004 http://www.kidcrosswords.com/
for adults
Report Card Writing
www.rayslearning.com/report.htm free
www.gradekeeper.com Not free but click 'pay later' each time and it is
Wordsearch Generators
Testing and Examinations
Bibliography for Language Testing (Kitao) ilc.doshisha.ac.jp/users/kkitao/library/biblio/testbib.html
CILTS www.edunet.com/ciltsrsa/
College of Preceptors www.preceptors.ac.uk/preceptors
Analytical Writing (high level) http://www.ucop.edu/sas/awpe/sample.html
ESL Placement Test http://www.testingoffice.uci.edu/AE.html
Language Testing Articles Database www.surrey.ac.uk/ELI/langtest/ltfind.html
Language Testing Research Group (Lancaster) www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/groups/ltrg/index.htm
Resources in Language Testing Page www.surrey.ac.uk/ELI/ltr.html
Test Suites for Natural Language Processing (Essex) www.essex.ac.uk/group/projects/tsnlp/
The British Council: English Language Tests www.britcoun.org/english/insengte.htm
TOEFL OnLine www.toefl.org
Cambridge FCE Practice Tests http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/fce/students/tests/tsindex.htm
Cambridge CAE Practice Tests
Cambridge CPE Practice Tests
Grammar & Quizzes
Elementary Grammar www.hiway.co.uk/~ei/intro.html
ESL Quiz Center (ESLCafe) www.pacificnet.net/~sperling/quiz/#grammar
Grammar and Style Notes www.english.upenn.edu/~jlynch/grammar.html
Grammar Help www.hut.fi/~rvilmi/LangHelp/Grammar/
Grammar Links www.gl.umbc.edu/~kpokoy/grammar.htm
INTALL (Internet Aided Language Learning) www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum//test.html
Language Net www.point.co.uk/lnet/
On-Line English Grammar (Edunet) www.edunet.com/english/grammar/toc.html
Self-Study Quizzes www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/quizzes/
(common errors in English) http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/
(idioms) http://home.t-online.de/home/toni.goeller/idiom_wm/
(more idioms) http://www.eslcafe.com/idioms/id-mngs.html
(anagrams) http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram/
(conversation questions, PDF format) http://iteslj.org/questions/
(language puzzle generators) http://www.puzzlemaker.com/
(complete guide to the phonetic alphabet for English) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet_for_English
ntroduction to Composition: http://bol1800-01.k12.fsu.edu/compositionpage.html
Guide to English Grammar: http://webster.commnet.edu/grammar/index2.htm
Guide to Grammar and Writing http://webster.commnet.edu/grammar/index.htm
Concise guide to English grammar http://englishplus.com/grammar/contents.htm
English Language Teaching Web Discussion Forums www.eltweb.com/laison/discussion_forums
ESL Cafe Job Discussion Forums http://www.eslcafe.com/forums/job/
ESL Cafe - Forums http://www.eslcafe.com/forums/teacher/
ESLEFLjobs.com Forum http://eslefljobs.com/forum/index.php
Thai School Watch http://www.thaischoolwatch.com/
Hope some of these are what you need. Enjoy.
The ranting will return, dont worry.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
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Thanks for sharing these stuffs, I can make use of them:-)
If you need additions, I want to suggest this site, http://thecolor.com. Have a blessed day to you!
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