Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Terminal Tuesday

As you can probably tell the link between the title and the actual content of the blog entries are becoming more and more tenuous.

Today its reached the point of termination, there is no link, it just merely sounds better than yet another boring Tuesday doing tests hoping that they will actually colour the spider on the floor black after saying it 5 times and not colour the box on the desk black or colour things in randomly.

I haven't spoken too much yet about the work permit situation mainly because its too ongoing and the pissing me off scale is beyond comprehension. But needless to say I am having to jump hoops to get one. Its not so much the Ministry of Education wont think outside the box, its that they don't think. Its apparently too much for them to realise that the initials on the transcript are the full words on the certificate from the college.

Ah well, I start the speaking tests tomorrow.

"What is this?"
"No, what is this"
"What is this? Is it an apple, an orange or a tomato?"


"What is this?"
nod of the head
"What is this?"
shake of the head
"What is this? Is it an apple, an orange or a tomato?"

Some of the conversations with other teachers are great :)

Since starting this blog, I have noticed quite a few problems with it. It is quite inflexible. In order to load pictures, I have to use a special program, Picasso. It doesn't allow you to hot link from photobucket for example which is really bad.

And talking of really bad, the spell check is a lot of pants as well. I don't know where they got the vocabulary database from but its really very limited. It doesn't offer a reasonable amount of alternatives ie if I mistype "a mount", it doesn't recognise I have put in a space by mistake and tries to offer a whole load of unnecessary alternatives. PANTS! BIG GIRLS PANTS

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